Promoting Cell Hydration



Improve hydration by creating crystalline liquid structures WITHOUT emfs


Lightly mist the energsing water spray, over your clothes throughout the day and optimise your Strength Stamina and Balance


Water structures are found in spring water and Improve hydration. This fact has been known for decades.
New technology has now harnessed Bio Photons in order to create crystalline structures in your drinking water.
Your children loved ones and Pets will also enjoy the benefits of crystalline liquid structures.
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Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

Empowering , Bio-photon Frequencies, Energies & Vibrations can now be transferred through Smart Phones

"Matter is comprised of energy. In fact when you get down to the subatomic, there is no matter at all."

Click here to get your
Hydration Life Program now !

"If you would like to experience a remote demonstration please email me to arrange a convenient time?"

Bio Photon

Hydration Life Program

The Photonic Charging System will help alleviate the issues caused to our health and wellness. This technology will also improve our energy levels and much more!

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Bio Photons

Press the Hydration Icon on your Smart Phone.

Rest the Phone on top of the glass or cup. When the light and frequency vibration ends : Everyone notices the liquids improved taste as well as a silkier texture and lighter colour. The reason being, most liquids lose their original molecular clusters after exposure to Electro magnetic waves The Photon frequencies rejuvenate natures crystalline structures in all liquids. Try it on Milk – Your children will love the improved texture and taste., as will your pets.

Click the Genomic icon on your cell phone

Play The Light Of The App Over The Water As You Are Filling A Misted Water Spray Bottle. The crystalline structures enhance Ionic values in the water, which have been known to negate the effects of Electro Smog and Stress.

Lightly Mist The Crystalline Water Spray over your clothes and head during the day to notice an improvement in : Balance, Strength and Mental Prowess.

Zoom Bio Photons to Others

The Hydration Function can be demonstrated over any video conferencing facility. Even when the participants on the call are tens of thousands of kilometres apart. While you are shinning the light frequency onto to your computers camera; The recipients of the Bio Photons, simply hold their glass or cup of liquid up to their Computer screen.

The recipients will taste and feel the difference in their liquids as well as to see their balance and strength immediately increase!.


Hydration Life Program

Lightly mist the energsing water spray, over your clothes throughout the day and optimise your Strength Stamina and Balance

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